Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Chapter 4: Solarclan

      Moonstar sighed.  They were so happy in Stormclan.  They would never know.  And that was how it would stay.  "Moonstar."  The white she-cat whipped around, startled.  "Oh, it's you."  Her medicine cat, Lakestone, was standing behind her.  "Are you ready to share with Starclan?"  "Yes."  Moonstar replied.  Even though she wasn't new like all of the other leaders, Moonstar was still going to share with Starclan to receive prophecies about the new territory.  "Let's go." she sighed.  At he  Cave of Stars, Moonstar took a deep breath, and padded in.  Moonstar wandered throughout the deep forest of Starclan. "Welcome." mewed a dark brown tom.  ""you have successfully made the journey to the new territories.  And..."  His voice trailed off.  "What?" asked Moonstar.  But the tom disappeared, replaced by a voice.  "On the night of the red moon, Death will come."  Then the clearing was flooded with red light.  Moonstar woke up.  "Oh no..." she breathed.